Planned SPC meeting

Next SPC meeting planned to be 14 August at 7pm, Stonesfield Primary School (TO BE CONFIRMED). Rather give some advance notice, but it might change. Karen East Stonesfield Parish Council – Clerk

Combe Cream Teas: Sundays 14 July – 25 August

Cream Teas will be served in Combe Village Reading Room garden from Sunday 14 July – Sunday 25 August between 2.30-5pm. Each Sunday is hosted by a different village organisation, who share the proceeds at the end of the season. Please come and enjoy delicious...

Road Closures 17 – 19 July

The Prime Minister will host leaders from across Europe at the EPC meeting on Thursday 18 July at Blenheim Palace This will mean: – Increase in Police presence in the local area. – The Police will be enforcing the road closures when in place – once...

A Comedy of Errors – 27 July

If you missed Shakespeare’s ‘A Comedy of Errors’ at New Barn Farm here is opportunity to see a different production, this time in Wootton. On 27 July at the Memorial Fields, Wootton, OX20 1EG, Three Inch Fools have an outdoor production in collaboration with The...

Parish Council election

An election is to be held for two seats for the Stonesfield Parish Council. Nomination papers must be delivered to the (Deputy) Returning Officer, at the Electoral Services Office, West Oxfordshire District Council, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxon, OX28 1NB...

Stonesfield says Slow Down*

* 72% of respondents to the Neighbourhood Plan survey said that reducing traffic speed was important or very important. If you want to make our village a safer place for all residents, then you could help by becoming a CSW volunteer. CSW is organised by Thames Valley...