Vandals are back

On Friday 10 November, vandals have attacked both the SID and a 20mph sign* in The Ridings. This is a repeat of the vandalism that happened at the start of the year in Woodstock Road. On Saturday 11 November, the same (presumably) individual or group vandalised the...

Road signage changes

Earlier this year SAFER presented to Oxfordshire County Council some residents’ concerns about pedestrian safety at various locations. Following this there was a site visit between SAFER, Andy Graham (Oxfordshire County Councillor) and Oxfordshire County Council...

Pub wall & gate

The new pub wall is now finished and looking very smart. So much better than the hole in the wall. Thanks Geoff Booth. And the side gate has been fully refurbished, thank you Richard Morris.

OCC Health and wellbeing strategy

Oxfordshire County Council are asking residents to comment on the new draft health and wellbeing strategy which is open for comment until 12 November. As a county, we’re facing challenges with an ageing population, increased demand for services, mental health and...

Stonesfield Community Pub – update 11 Oct

What a couple of weeks! Our amazing volunteer teams have put in an astonishing amount of effort preparing and successfully running the pop-up pub/cafe over the last two weekends. With over 1000 pints pulled, nearly 50 full English breakfasts served and over 200...