One of the first projects taken on by SAFER in March 2019 was the cleaning and documenting of all village road traffic and direction signs. As a result of this, in April 2019, SAFER submitted a report to OCC Highways department listing several signs needing repair, replacement or upgrading.
Since then, SAFER has continued to follow up OCC Highways to get all the work completed. This included additional surveys, photographs and site meetings, plus lots of emails. OCC Highways did carry out a small proportion of this work in early 2020 but lack of budget and Covid brought progress to a grinding halt.
A site meeting with OCC Highways in May 2021 finally gained their commitment to a list of outstanding items which were then completed in mid-August.
A total of 19 signs have been repaired, reset, replaces or introduced to improve road safety in the village. New signs give clear messages to drivers to expect pedestrians on some roads, that The Ridings is unsuitable for HGVs, and warnings of oncoming vehicles in the middle sections such as Laughton Hill.