Quick update from the Oxfordshire and the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum teleconferences held morning of Friday 1st. The main headlines are:
Weather: The Amber weather warning issued at 0408 was lifted earlier than predicted, however there will still be persistent snow across Oxfordshire and especially on the higher ground. Our main concern for the next 48 hours will be very cold temperatures and ice on untreated roads & pavements.
Incidents: currently there are no incidents in Oxfordshire / Thames valley requiring a coordinated response, there are several power outages but these are being restored as we speak.
Schools: only a small handful of schools are open today, school closure web page fully up to date.
Transport & Road network: As expected there is some impact locally, but the main road network is running well with no report of serious delay. Local bus services are running a reduced service in areas, but as the day progress’s and gritters start to cover these secondary routes, it is hoped buses will be back to normal service.
Health: No concerns from any of the health departments, South Central Ambulance are providing an expected service.
Refuse: Crews will try to return on Monday to empty bins not emptied on Friday 1st. However this delay may have a knock on effect on collections across the District. Residents are advised that if their bin is not collected on their scheduled day next week, to leave it out. Crews will return as soon as possible to empty it, usually the following day. Please remember, this is weather dependent.
Any further updates about waste and recycling collections will be added to our webpage: www.westoxon.gov.uk/snow