On Saturday 13 July, 10am till 4pm, we will be holding an exhibition in Stonesfield Village Hall to show our exciting plans for the upcoming proposal of new homes.

We want to work with you, so please do come along to share some refreshments, and your ideas on how we can best create the housing we need, whilst considering the local area, and surrounding amenities.

Graham Soame, local Planning Consultant on behalf of the landowners

Residents may have received a leaflet regarding this exhibition through their door. The exhibition is open to all residents.

If any residents have any questions or comments they would like us to note as a Parish Council regarding Manor Field Exhibition Saturday 13 July they should email the Parish Council clerk@stonesfieldpc.uk who will collate and ensure they are passed on and that councillors are aware of all comments and questions. However there will be opportunities for you to discuss and chat at the exhibition too.

Karen East, Stonesfield Parish Council – Clerk