WODC are undertaking a bin evaluation in the whole District.

The current outstanding works for Stonesfield is as follows:

  1. For the old dog bin at Stonesfield Common to be replaced with a new Dual bin
  2. For a new dual bin to be installed on Woodstock Road, opposite Come Road.

This work should be completed in the next few days.

We have noted the Dog waste bin on High Street, near to the Rose & Crown properties, closest dog waste bin to the Primary School was removed a couple of weeks ago and not replaced. The PC have asked for a bin (dual bin) to be put here even if PC have to pay.

The oldest, rustiest bin in the village (one of the bins outside the shop/hairdressers) has been left in situ. The PC have asked for a dual bin (new one) to be put here even if PC have to pay.

Rose and Crown. The reason this was not immediately replaced was because this location is generally a residential area and WODCdon’t install bins in these areas now. Residents are encouraged to take litter and bagged dog waste home and dispose of it in their wheelie bin. There is a new dual bin in Church Street. At the time of the visit there was no litter or dog waste in the high Street

There are now no bins in High Street, Boot Street or Peak’s lane so it is too sparse. All three locations are generally a residential areas and WODC don’t install bins in these areas now. At the time of the visit there was no litter or dog waste.

We have received complaints about the bins being removed from the bus stops. Woodstock Road, both sides and The Ridings/Laughton Hill. WODC only install waste bins in busy town centre bus stops. WODC have installed one on the green in Pound Hill but this is a strategic junction in the village. WODC has reviewed Woodstock Road and will be installing one on the grass area Opposite Combe Road again, this is a strategic junction in the village. Again there was no litter at any of the bus stops at the time of the visit. . WODC have also installed a new dual bin at the top of the Ridings, again a busy walk.

The PC continues to liaise with WODC and bin usage will be monitored.


We can confirm that a new dual bin is going to be installed on High Street near to Rose & Crown. It will be installed next week with other outstanding bins and this one will also be emptied weekly (empty day is usually a Tuesday for info). WODC have now agreed to install it and supply it at no cost to the parish. The parish will pay the emptying costs.

Reduction in dog bins:

Although there may be less bins there is significantly greater capacity.  The old dog bins are 30ltrs, the new ones are 90ltrs.  WODC has driven around the village and looked back on emptying reports and none of the bins were overflowing.  The bins are all scheduled to be emptied every Tuesday.  We will let things settle down and review to see if there are any problems in a couple of months. It is not impossible to get more bins if need but each bin costs £400 a year to empty so we need to ensure there is a need.

It is noted that the oldest, rustiest bin in the village (one of the bins outside the shop/hairdressers) has been left in situ. WODC agree this is a problem and want to replace it but the problem with this bin is that the drystone wall to the right of the bin is leaning against it and the bin is holding it up. Neither the parish or WODC own the wall and WODC concern is that if we remove the bin the wall will collapse. WODC have tried to make contact with the owner of the wall unsuccessfully. (If the owner of the wall would like to contact the Parish Council to discuss please email the clerk).  The clerk is liaising with WODC to see if we can cover the old bin to render it unusable and put a new dual bin in next to it or close to it to replace it. We are continuing to investigate to see if there is a suitable solution here.

Karen East
Parish Clerk