Communities Matters- Issues- “As it happens” Woodstock weekly bulletin 7, County Councillor Andy Graham (July 16th)
Progress to date:-
Woodstock Town Council
Attended parish council meeting.
Awaiting response from Kingerlee re: improvements/arrangements for street cleaning and parking issues/Rectory Lane/Park Street. WODC contacted regarding similar matters and they have been in contact too.
Hill Rise and Banbury Road Developments-OCC highways officers been in contact with me to highlight traffic outstanding issues as a meeting with applicants is scheduled in the next 2 weeks. Reports with my comments can be found on the WODC website.
OCC officers made fully aware of the issues of parking and opportunities to improve the situation. Further news expected at the end of the month with a framework/process for taking this to a staged outcome.
Pleased to report that the work on the pedestrian footpath has been completed on the A4095 as requested and on time!
Wootton Parish Council
Attended with colleague Cllr. Nathalie Chapple. Home Schools Transport to be investigated for the village.
OCC highways officer doing assessment of highways issues in the village next week.
Combe Parish Council
Attended meeting with District Councillor Cllr Mathew Parkinson. OCC highways officer awaiting parish council feedback/input on the reducing speed scheme to progress matters.
Other news
Sat on first Home to School Transport Appeal Panel. (There is a clear need to review the policy)
Sat on Performance Scrutiny Panel in Banbury to scrutinise the policies of the administration including Special Educational Needs and Disability provision in the county which will get additional resources.
Attended meeting of the County Council.
Appointed to the board of Cotswold AONB and Millfield Arts Centre Banbury as the County Council representative
Cllr Andy Graham