Community Transport Newsletter – Summer 2019

Oxfordshire County Council supports the development of a strong and sustainable community transport sector. This newsletter will be published regularly to highlight any news from Oxfordshire or Nationwide regarding community transport updates. COMMUNITY TRANSPORT...

A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor

Have you thought of becoming a Parish Councillor? In May 2019 elections were held for Stonesfield Parish Council. Following the election we still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor and are able to co-opt a suitable volunteer until the next elections. Parish...

CALA appeal dismissed

Stephen Normington, the Inspector appointed by The Secretary of State, has dismissed Cala Homes appeal against refusal of their planning application for land north of Woodstock Road. Amongst the many reasons for judgement, he decided “that it would cause significant...

Annual Parish Meeting – 13th May

The Stonesfield Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on 13th May in the Village Hall at 7.00pm. There will be a full council meeting ahead of this from 6.30 – 7.00pm. The Council will accept pre-advisedquestions at the Annual Parish Meeting. Questions should be...

Election of Stonesfield Parish Councillors

In the areas where there are insufficient candidates for a poll (such as Stonesfield), the persons nominated have been declared elected following an uncontested election, and in those where the number elected uncontested is fewer than the number of seats on the...

Be ready for 2nd May

Make sure you’re registered to vote in time for the local elections on 2nd May On Thursday 2nd May residents in 16 of the 27 wards, including Stonesfield, in West Oxfordshire will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at a local level. Local...

Notice of local Elections on Thursday 2 May 2019.

Attached are details for the local District and Parish Council elections on 2nd May. Nomination Papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, at the Electoral Services Office, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxon, OX28 1NB, on Monday to Friday between 9am to...

Become a Parish Councillor

This May elections will be held for Stonesfield Parish Council. Parish Councillors must be 18 or over, on the electoral role and live or work in, or within three miles, of the village. No previous experience is necessary, just and interest in making a difference in...

Parish Clerk vacancy Stonesfield Parish Council

A part time Parish Clerk is required for Stonesfield Parish Council. The duties also include those of the Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer. Therefore experience in the Parish Clerk’s role, Local Authority, PAYE, VAT, HMRC, accounts, Word and Excel...