Broadband delivery in the Fawler cabinet area

The Connecting West Oxfordshire project* is underway and we are making good progress on bringing ultrafast broadband to properties that currently have little or no internet access.

We are pleased to let you know that in early June the Gigaclear team will be starting work in the Fawler cabinet area and this also includes properties in and around East End, Wilcote, Stonesfield and Woodleys. Further details of the areas covered in the project can be found on Gigaclear’s website, see links below.

Work is scheduled to continue up until the end of 2018. Below is what will happen during this time and we would be grateful if you could share this information with parish councillors.

Installing the network and making good afterwards

This will involve digging up pavements and roads as Gigaclear installs the full fibre cabling along with connection points outside the boundary of every property. All residents and businesses will be informed as soon as their connection is ready and can take full advantage of ultrafast speeds.

Everything disrupted by the installation will be reinstated to Highways Authorities and Utilities Committee standards.

Keeping you informed

Gigaclear would be happy to attend a parish meeting to explain more about the rollout.

Below are some useful links:

Attached is a copy of Gigaclear’s Parish Pack leaflet.

*Connecting West Oxfordshire sees West Oxfordshire District Council and the Government’s broadband agency BDUK invest £3.1m between them with rural broadband specialist Gigaclear adding a further £5m. Gigaclear is additionally investing in a further extension to their network which may be in areas that already have superfast broadband from another supplier but where Gigaclear can see a commercial return to cover their investment. This extra build is outside the Connecting West Oxfordshire project.

Carys Davies,
Communications Manager (working days Mon, Tues, Weds)
West Oxfordshire District Council, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney OX28 1NB
t: 01993 861615 / 01993 861000

Connecting West Oxfordshire Parish Pack.pdf